Driveway Repair and Resurfacing

Driveway Concrete Repair and Resurfacing VS Replacement

Compare concrete repair and resurfacing to tearing out and replacing concrete…

But we don’t do that… we treat the existing cracks by grinding them to make them wider and deeper, then we fill the lower half of the crack with a flexible concrete caulking and then fill the upper half with a polymer based cement and crack fill material, repair your existing spalled concrete and then resurface it.

We are your pool deck, patio and driveway restoration specialist!

Concrete Repair and Restoration Canton GA

Driveway Repair & Resurface

1-2 Business Days

Cure Time: 1 Day

Warranty: 2 Years


Tear Out – Dispose – Install New

3-7 Business Days

Cure Time: 1 Week

Warranty: None


  1. First we tear out any areas too broken up to repair
  2. Then we find hollow spots and fill them (but we don’t lift anything) with Polyurethane foam
  3. Next, we open up the cracks (wider and deeper) fill them with a 2 part polyurea and sand mixture which cures harder than concrete
  4. Then we resurface the entire slab and give it a broom finish making it look like brand new concrete.
  5. Lastly, we seal the concrete with a commercial grade breathable concrete sealer. 

We then give it a 2 year transferable warranty (but we’ve see this application last more than 5 years – sometimes even longer) and we do it for less than half the price of tear out and repour of new concrete.