Flake Epoxy Flooring

Concrete Grind and PolishFlake Epoxy FlooringEpoxy Garage Floor Installation

Flake Epoxy Flooring


Basic Flake Colors

Unlike big box store flake epoxy garage floors kits that only last a couple of years, our industrial strength Flake Epoxy Flooring is installed by professionals.

The Process:

  1. We grind the entire surface of your garage to get to the aggregate layer of your slab
  2. Then we put down the first base coat of epoxy
  3. Then a 2nd entire layer of flakes and ensuring that not one inch of surface isn’t covered with flakes
  4. Then we add a 3rd layer with industrial strength Polyaspartic (harder than epoxy) clear top coat
See Premium Flake Colors

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    Application(s) Wanted *

    GarageDrivewaySidewalk(s)StepsPatioPorchPool DeckBasement (or other interior room(s)Commercial / BusinessOther

    Coating System(s) Wanted *

    Quartz-CretePebble EpoxyMetallic EpoxyFlake EpoxyQuartz EpoxySingle Color Epoxy/Neat CoatRubber Surface/Flooring

    Approximate Square Feet

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